Architectural Guidelines & Approval Forms
Quick Links to the Forms and Guidelines
Most likely you've just come here to find the form or the guidelines, so here they are right up front. If you'd like to know more about the committe or the process, by all means, continue reading. Please remember you should not start your exterior improvement prior to receiving written approval from the architectural control committee.
Please contact:
Architecture Committee
The role of the Architectural Committee is to ensure that the community's property values are preserved. Without an architectural control committee, neighbors could easily paint their house neon pink or build a garden shed in the front yard. By having a set of exterior standards for such things as colors, roof coverings, siding materials, fence designs, we ensure some level of uniformity throughout the community that keeps Eagle Lake beautiful. Without a set of standards for exterior improvements, our community could quickly decline, and we could find the value of our homes declining as well.
The Eagle Lake architecture committee is appointed by the Board of Directors. Architectural Review requests are typically handled by the Architecture Chair. You can contact the architecture committee at
Architectural Review
The purpose of the architectural review is to ensure exterior projects fall within our established community covenants and guidelines. The Architecture Committee must approve your improvement before making any change to the exterior of your home. You should not not start your exterior improvement prior to receiving written approval from the architectural control committee. It is possible that your project will not comply with the community guidelines, and the Architectural Committee can work with you to ensure that it does. Failure to obtain approval prior to doing the work may result in you having to remove and remedy the issue.
The process begins by filling out an architectural request form that includes all of the pertinent information for the project. The exact information that you should include depends on the type of project. If you are repainting your house, we simply need the color names or samples. However, if you are undertaking a larger project like a new deck, we will need more information on deck design and likely a simple map of the property to indicate where on your lot the deck will be. When the form is filled out, email it to or drop it off in person at any architecture committee member's home. Per our covenants, the architecture committee has a maximum of 30 days to respond, though we typically will get you a response within a week. Once you have received approval from the committee, your work may begin.
You can download the form here: ELHOA_Architectural_Request_Form.pdf
Descrpition of Guidelines for Common Requests
Note that there are already many restrictions in our covenants on exterior projects. In addition to the covenants, the Board of Directors has established a set of guidelines on some of the more typical projects that occur in our community.
You can download the official guidelines here: ELHOA_Architectural_Guidelines.pdf